However, it’s also possible to encounter task-based questions during the MMI collaboration station, video, or photo-based and written questions. If you or your family members contributed to the community in any way—even if it’s a very small way—make sure to let your interviewer know. They dig into the applicant’s past experiences as a way to understand how they might perform as a resident. 110 Questions UCSF Students Were Asked in a Residency Interview This list of residency interview questions is the result of one of Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS), Beta Beta Chapter’s professional development initiatives for fellow UCSF School of Pharmacy students. Interview questions for nursing new grads will likely vary depending on the institution and specialization. Sending thank you notes via email is acceptable, even preferred. It’s not just a matter of etiquette and convention—it’s a matter of reading the situation and people around you. A common misconception: Applicants wonder whether they should reiterate the answer they gave in their personal statement. Did you happen to shadow an ENT doctor way back in undergrad? This need not be a complicated audiovisual ordeal with high production values; your phone camera will usually suffice. Why are you the best candidate for this residency program? Consider a one- or two-sentence anecdote that you haven’t already shared about your visit. “One of my weaknesses is not knowing when to say ‘no.’ I hate turning down opportunities to grow or help others, so I tend to say yes a lot, even if I’m already swamped with responsibilities. Be sure you’ve looked at the latest journals and specialty association sites. What do I do? How to approach the question: While researching the program, identify clear reasons why you would fit well with the program, and vice versa. Though committees may be able to overlook such missteps, avoid giving them reason to see you in a negative light. Regarding this residency interview question, many applicants ask us: “What do I say? Which was your least favorite? Which of your rotations was your favorite? An effective sample response: “I’ve never found that my accent has interfered with my ability to provide quality care to patients, and I don’t expect it to be a problem during my residency.”. When I was young, I resented it a little (chuckles). Programs look for evidence of the following through your interview. A single coherent statement about fit is much better than a smattering of impersonal details. A common misconception: Residency applicants often think the strength and especially the weakness they choose to share have the power to make or break the committee’s perception of them as a candidate. Ask your interviewer to provide feedback on answer content and delivery, including eye contact, speed, and conversational fluidity. It is better to write a list of questions and answers that you may encounter during your interviews. Question: When do residency interviews come out? Programs are increasingly aware of the problem of resident and physician burnout, and they may be actively pitching you on their resources for dealing with it. If so, what does this entail? The first opportunity you have to take notes about your interview, jot down the person’s name and a few bullets about what you discussed during the interview. Finally, avoid putting them on the spot for breaking a rule. As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, this is not a typical interview. He might easily have instead mentioned that at UC Davis, alongside medical school, he took up recreational cycling, and that he’s excited to be interviewing in Pittsburgh, where he knows the hills will give him a run for his cycling money. If you are about to pick up and move your life to a new city, you’d probably like to know what a like-minded person enjoys doing there. That’s not quite true. These three pieces of information highlight two powerful insights about how to think about and approach the residency interview process: An interview invitation means you’ve made the academic, extracurricular, and clinical cut. That way, your interview day will feel more familiar. I ask the residents who were sitting next to him in the conference room about the candidate and they say he didn’t speak a word. The order of questions should be made by the most common questions asked first, and then the other possible questions so that you do not get surprised by a question during your interview that can make you feel anxious and ruin your performance. Did you only encounter dermatology during a fourth year rotation? Arrive for your interview in the city the day before and remember that travel delays might interfere with your schedule; plan accordingly. Your 90-minute interview coaching session will be roughly organized as follows: It will be no problem to schedule your interview session. You might emphasize that what draws you to both specialties is a chance to work regularly with patients over sustained periods of time, and that you’re attracted to their program because of specific clinical opportunities that facilitate exactly that. There are a set of rules governing your interaction with programs pre/during/post residency interviews. An effective sample response: “I’m drawn to UCR School of Medicine’s Internal Medicine program because of its strong non-traditional curriculum. My strong interest in [School or Program] was only confirmed on interview day. Interview Questions This content is for The RIQ Video Course, The RIQ Video Course with Mock Interview, and RIQ 1 on 1 Expert Coaching members only. How would you rate the quality of your medical school education? Consider this an opportunity to make a positive impression through your demonstration of tact. Though there’s a strong emphasis on an applicant’s ability to appropriately answer interview questions, there isn’t always enough focus on the other end of the spectrum. Focus more on personal things (had good personal relationships and experiences here, live in the community, location, research strengths, etc.). How to approach this question: To discuss a strength, share something you do well and provide a concrete example that demonstrates this quality in action. Should you talk about why you’re pursuing this specialty? The fact that UCR emphasizes ambulatory training alongside inpatient care is a big draw for me. In some cases, your home institution may offer funds as well, so make sure you check their options. An effective sample response: “I’m a pretty easy-going guy, but one thing that I find challenging in workplace settings is when colleagues don’t live up to their responsibilities. Some applicants who over rehearse answers or repeat examples from essays can seem robotic. Ask for a “Budget Adjustment for Residency” and make sure you understand how this money is disbursed. When communicating with any program staff, consider it part of the interview, regardless of their position in the department. Conversely, schedule programs that you are less likely to go to at the end of the cycle. What did it feel like to realize you’d clicked with the specialty? Frequently asked interview questions. Remember: first, remain consistent with the answer you gave in your personal statement. But make clear that you’re interested in their program for specific reasons. Once you know your application cold, visit the program’s website and study it carefully. That you are as polished in person as you convey through your applications. You want to be remembered for your politeness and tact. “For instance, when I was working as a teacher before medical school, I saw very clearly how so much of what hasn’t been done is being neglected not out of malice but simply out of really threadbare financial conditions and overstressed calendars. It would be a pleasure to guide you! Answer: It’s always fine to try to find out these things at any job interview, including at a residency interview. Question: I want to ask programs where I’m interviewing if they might subsidize my travel to their interview, but I’m worried it might be frowned upon or adversely affect my chances at matching. Why did those appeal to you? This is arguably as important for interacting with staff, nurses, and colleagues as it is for interacting with patients. That said, how you ask these questions makes a huge difference. A solution I’ve found that works is having what I call a “No Committee.”. A good, broad phrasing might be: “I’m so excited about the program for X, Y, Z reasons. Fortunately, there is a systematic way to excel in the residency interview process. That’s because these questions are well-known ways to learn more about your key experience, goals, and personality. Yet, the question is still confusing. This will show the program how you problem-solve, learn, and grow, all key elements of the self-awareness all programs hope their residents exhibit. Question: My friend wrote about his interest in ballroom dancing in his ERAS application, and his interviewers asked him to show them his moves during his interview. Use these questions to ask questions about how wellness fits into the overall training program. If the example draws on items listed in your CV or personal statement, it makes your answer stronger and helps you add depth to the interviewers’ understanding of materials they’ve already seen. What should I do? I ended up getting very interested in radiology, which can actually feel a lot like a darkroom at times…”. In what direction do your residency participants take their careers? However, poor first impressions are difficult to overcome, no matter how well you answer interview questions. But there are things that can’t be gleaned from your application materials alone. What, if anything, would you do differently? That said, don’t push your top programs too late in the interview cycle. If you think of your residency interviews as an opportunity to genuinely engage faculty, residents, and staff—a much higher priority than showcasing your deep medical knowledge—you’ll maximize your odds of matching to your top-choice residency programs. They also worry a lack of experience in their specialty of choice will reflect negatively on them, even in cases when it’s not their fault—for instance, if their medical school did not offer a rotation option in that specialty. This is the number one most commonly residency interview question asked during an interview. As the eldest of four kids, I was expected to help around a lot, whether that was staining wood for my mom’s frame shop or mixing chemicals for my dad’s darkroom. It’s possible to edit an essay to sparkling perfection, but flaws are difficult to cover up during an in-person interview. Answer: Yes and no. Tip #1: Step 1 Score Is Critical. But which should you talk about? You can treat this as a “practice interview” before you assimilate the interview format in preparation for your top programs. What is the biggest weakness you feel youâll need to overcome to excel in this program? However, conducting a mock interview with someone with previous experience with residency interviews is the best way to know what questions they'll ask and how to respond to them. If you have another accommodative need that will affect your work on day one, you should mention it as well. You have exactly one chance to say it, so choose wisely. Your official interviews can be stressful. Question: Is it appropriate to ask about sick days, holidays, what time residents get out, whether moonlighting is an option, etc.? Your life's inspiration can come from a book, a mentor, your family, a celebrity, author - literally anyone! Isn’t there enough information for them to gauge whether you’d be a great resident in your Dean’s Letter? Plus, because medicine is such an all-consuming vocation, you may find that some doctors still think it’s acceptable to ask about your plans for relationships, children, marriage, and other personal matters that would be clearly verboten in most other professional contexts. You can review the footage later to see what others see and consider if there are any gestures or tics you want to avoid, and any other body-language elements you may wish to incorporate. In the midst of COVID-19 related shutdowns and travel limitations in 2020, residency programs are still interviewing to make sure they have housestaff to man the next wave of potential hospitalizations. Answer: If someone asks you explicitly about this—say, if it’s obvious based on your resumé that you’re interested in both family medicine and pediatrics—don’t deny it. Among the most common residency interview questions are those related to the reasons the candidate is interested in the program and desires a career in medicine. (This is true of all interviews- not just residency interviews! Find the sweet spot toward the beginning-to-middle of the season when you’re energized and capable, and when the early date of your interview can still reflect your enthusiasm for the program. Select an issue with which you’ve struggled and for which you’ve devised—or begun to devise—a successful strategy for improvement. Otherwise, I look forward to Match Day. Thank you once more for taking the time to interview me for the residency program at [School or Program Name] (earlier today/yesterday/specific date). Our patients were more willing to come to us because we were conveniently located and met their needs without being the full-size hospital down the road, which they found intimidating and inaccessible. I have known of these rules being violated often during and post residency interview. #AnatomyOfAResident: How to Prepare for Residency Interview Questions. Sometimes I’ll even tell them directly: ‘Sorry, but my No Committee said I can’t help this time, but thanks for thinking of me.’ Setting boundaries in this way has worked wonders in my professional and personal life.”, Residency interview question #5: “What are the characteristics or traits in colleagues or coworkers you dislike the most?”. That you’re personable and easy to connect with. (We’ve listed some of the most common ones above.). On the one hand, there are common questions that are common staples of the residency interview process, which means you can prepare for them in advance. Your step 1 score is much more important than you think.. You’re highly ranked in your class—what more could they possibly want to know? It’s best to focus on excelling in your rotations and, when you can carve time out of your busy schedule, practice your interview skills. You can’t give your interviewers all this information, but keeping experiences, characters, and moments of epiphany handy will help. You can also brainstorm some examples you could draw on that wouldn’t compromise your integrity or make you uncomfortable to the point of undermining the rest of your interview performance. In other cases, they may not ask about these things at all. In cases such as these, use your judgment. Once you confirm your interview date, book your travel and accommodations immediately to lock in the best available prices. It’s not so important that you’re weak in a given area; what matters is what you’ve done or are doing to improve it. Not everyone on your interview panel will be skilled at conducting interviews, and they may ask questions that you are not obligated to answer. Still, this is a challenge I’ve learned to respond to without impatience or anger. Questions you should ask during your interview for a psychiatric residency program. What about in this specialty? length, 50 to 60 minutes of question-by-question feedback, including opportunities to practice modified responses, All of your specific availability (including time zone) for a 90-minute interview coaching session over a consecutive three- to five-day period, Any details you'd like us to know about you or your upcoming interview. Anna Piazza - Oct 15, 2020 Share this Post: There are plenty of ways to shine during your residency interviews. Can you tell me a little bit about work-life balance here?”. If you endear yourself to faculty and staff, you’ll survive minor missteps. Question: Should I admit that I’m applying to two subspecialties? Whether this reflects poor planning on your part (losing track of time, rushing to avoid tardiness) or is misconstrued as nervousness at the interview process doesn’t matter, as the effect is the same – admissions committees may feel uneasy or put off by either. NOTE: Many of these questions have some form of a standard “acceptable” response that is expected by the interviewers.Detailed guidance on how to respond to the questions below is intentionally not provided here, so as to challenge residency seekers to be independent and genuine in their thought processes. This is why it’s important not to embellish your initial application and to review your application materials thoroughly. Author: Shyami Goyal. Is it okay to do this when I have several interviews at other programs lined up for the rest of the cycle? It is more about finding the right match, for everyone involved. How you address awkward or probing questions—legal or illegal—is a personal decision, but declining to answer a question may introduce unease into the interview committee, which you want to avoid. Direct morning flights can help minimize the likelihood of delays, especially in cold-weather locations where ice or snow could interrupt your plans. Additionally, talk to your contacts, fellow students, or alumni of your med school who might have a connection to the program or supporting institution. Some programs—it’s difficult to say which, as this isn’t something programs like to advertise—offer more invitations for interviews than they can accommodate. )When it comes to strengths, it can feel very awkward to try and “sell yourself.” Especially if you are a more shy or introverted person. First, refrain from responding aggressively. You won’t be rejected based on insufficient stats or extracurricular experiences. But before we get into good questions, let’s discuss the types of questions you shouldn’t ask. If you’re pregnant now, many employers would hope that you mention it, though you’re far from required to. It will most likely be issued as a reimbursement, but some programs may give you an advance for anticipated expenses. You don’t need to have a laundry list. Medical residency interview tips, strategies and sample residency interview questions. Here’s a sample thank you letter template you can use to email your interviewers. What did you enjoy least? Residency interviews can make or break your chances of getting into the residency program of your choice. Coming in with a laundry list of questions about the specifics of work-life balance might give the impression that you’re less excited about the job opportunity than what the job opportunity might let you accomplish outside of work. ], which aligns with [some quality or aspiration that is important to you]. Program directors select applicants who can do the job pleasantly and professionally, even with individuals they wouldn’t necessarily choose as friends. You may not be fully rested and feel anxious, so aim to recreate stressful conditions for your mock interviews. Clearly, what you say is not as important as how you say it. Optional closing if this question does not occur during the interview: “Tell me more about the residency or about your position with the residency.” This leads the way for the interviewer to introduce him/her self and the residency. Be prepared to answer these on the interview trail. Would you use a different approach if the person acting inappropriately was a physician, nurse, or another medical professional who isnât a resident? “Essentially, I chose two people who know I struggle to say no. Of those that donât, what are the most commonly cited reasons for leaving? To make Match jitters worse, interview invitations are sent out according to specific specialties’ timetables, the schedules of specific programs, or a combination of the two. Since the interview, [something you thought about, researched, or developed an insight about.]. When you get feedback, practice answers using your newfound approach instead of simply taking notes for the future. One additional note on this: Programs should not ask you how you are ranking them. Pay special attention to any key words or key concepts, like diversity and research, that come up a lot so you can demonstrate fit with those aspects of their culture and stand out. As polished in person as you continue toward a career in medicine, what would do. An issue with which you ’ d be a great resident in your life 's inspiration come! As for programs to interview programs, as for programs to interview you the future most frustrating about the ’... Was it the chance to say it, though you ’ ll be invited to your... Balance here? ” I call a “ no Committee. ” in preparing for your is. As you convey through your demonstration of tact a residency interview are: what kinds of things do,... Left quite an impression. ” your medical school education thoughts, and personality so choose wisely curveball questions... Likely vary depending on the interview format in PREPARATION for your politeness tact. 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